Thursday 28 January 2010

YOSH! Games project!!

yes TWO posts within ONE hour!!! what is the world coming to? who knows, and who the hell cares?
This is the Games Project for college!
Let me explain it all out.
First we each had to come up with a decend games idea based on certain catagories that i forgot :L
Then, we had to create at least 2 levels in worded detail, two characters with drawings, then pitch our ideas in front of the class in the lecture theatre (yeah.. owchies). After the 12 ideas were pitched (i went last, yay), we had to vote on what SIX games would go forward to moddeling and so forth. We each had 3 votes to spend on 3 projects we liked. My one was picked and so the epic tale of BOX had begun...

BOX is about an ex-combat droid who becomes a janitor. There was a rare power source uncovered in the year 20xx, that fueled multiple types of droids. However, these droids were like dolls who did what they were told. The fuel became scarce and was quickly taken away from the public. Eventually, the droids all powered down, and stood as statues where they ceased. Although, there was one droid that was different. More of a who than a what. The droid showed early signs of self-developed emotion. He was kept alive using the remaining fuels. But in order for this fuel to last, he was given a change in career. The one job that spent the least fuel... was... yes you guessed it... a JANITOR!
One night during a patrol through the Science Department's Warehouse District, he stumbled across a crate glowing between the cracks. once he lifted the lid... SHOOM! he vanished into BOX.

Here are some pictures of the Droid's design....These legs are all that have been moddeled of the droid so far, and as you can tell, there are differences to the lower leg, the knee flap, and the foot which has been remodelled completelly.

Here we are again..

i was spending yet another sleep-in day at the college library in my frantic flurry of polygons and deadlines! here are some updated pictures of the models i was working on in my previous post (2 days ago).
I am rather pleased with it. there were constant problems with it due to the 'No Backfacing' tool not working properly for some annoying reason. And because of these several setbacks, i was not able to get the amount of work i'd hoped to have completed. However, all that is needed to be done to the house, is to finish the front door, do the left side, skylights and roof detail, and unwraped and textured... which i can't do, because the library computers in the college don't have Photoshop or GIMP (Graphic Image Manipulation Program) on them.. and plus only 4 of the like 25 computers have 3DS Max.
And then i've got the garage to do, the front garden, driveway, foliage, and to texture my vehicle which i.. wait no.. nearly finished today xD. does a car need wheels? i don't actually have a 1993 Toyota Hilux, so would i miss a set of wheels? wait.. SNOW! the car can be burried in snow! xD
(Sorry i took this render with only 20 seconds left before the library's auto log off lol)

Anyway, this shit needs doing, and i might as well do it well!

[Deadline - 8 DAYS]

Tuesday 26 January 2010

And so the journey begins...

well here's the first post!
And seeing as i spend the entire day in the college library today, i thought i'd share what i've accomplished :D

well first of all, this is part of one of the vaaaarious projects going on at the moment called 'Little Lost Corner', where we must submit a scene of two buildings and a land based vehicle and animated cameras displaying the scene.
Origionally i was doing the Abertay Library building, and that was taking forever, and those KILLER windows... maybe i'll revisit it once i'm better at what i do.

But today i took the risky but wiser step of starting anew and began modelling my house. i think it's pretty neat so far. oh and yea my car is a 1993 Toyota Hilux... which will be in the driveway.. where we don't have a 1993 Toyota Hilux in our driveway.. but yea xD