Thursday 28 January 2010

Here we are again..

i was spending yet another sleep-in day at the college library in my frantic flurry of polygons and deadlines! here are some updated pictures of the models i was working on in my previous post (2 days ago).
I am rather pleased with it. there were constant problems with it due to the 'No Backfacing' tool not working properly for some annoying reason. And because of these several setbacks, i was not able to get the amount of work i'd hoped to have completed. However, all that is needed to be done to the house, is to finish the front door, do the left side, skylights and roof detail, and unwraped and textured... which i can't do, because the library computers in the college don't have Photoshop or GIMP (Graphic Image Manipulation Program) on them.. and plus only 4 of the like 25 computers have 3DS Max.
And then i've got the garage to do, the front garden, driveway, foliage, and to texture my vehicle which i.. wait no.. nearly finished today xD. does a car need wheels? i don't actually have a 1993 Toyota Hilux, so would i miss a set of wheels? wait.. SNOW! the car can be burried in snow! xD
(Sorry i took this render with only 20 seconds left before the library's auto log off lol)

Anyway, this shit needs doing, and i might as well do it well!

[Deadline - 8 DAYS]

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