Thursday 25 March 2010

Byauta's Steam Rifle

Well here we are after no posts for a MONTH -_-
yes yes yes i know it's teeeeeeeeerrible!
but whatever

Here, i have the gun that i have made for my robot/droid Byauta-Bravo. It is an entirely new concept of deadly water guns. The round fired from the gun is not propelled by a minor explosive in the shell, but by super-heating a shell filled with water and causing it to fire out the round from the presure of the steam created. It sounds absurd, and as we all know (i think), water doesn't turn to steam instantly. But this is where science fiction steps in. There are heating plates around the shell casing, which using the same fuel cells Byauta uses, sends a pulse of an instant 300 degrees C straight through the round.

The design was first thought to be a pistol/sub-machine gun (a machine gun that fires pistol rounds, for you dumb dumbs lol). The shape changed into more of an Assault Rifle, and there it stayed. Originally it used ordinary ordinance with gunpowder in the bullet shells, and when the heat pulse hit the gunpowder, it ignited. This idea removed the firing pin from the back, so the empty bullet shell could be ejected out the backof the gun, rather than the sides. However, an idea swished through my brain, and here we have the steam gun!
Now... enough rambling, lets get on to the pictures! yaaay!

^A simple diagram of how the gun would work.^

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