Friday 30 April 2010

Cell Shade Success!

Here we are again! wowee xD
today at college i was focusing on textures for my enviroment and character. Instaid of spending millenia unwrapping my robot, i use the materiel editor to create the textures... same with the enviroment. Except for the wooden boxes and the iron girders.
I focused nearly all that texturing time on practicing/experimenting with Cell Shading, to give it the cartoon-edged look that i originaly aimed for. As far as i got with it on my own, it looked a bit like Futurama or Fairytale Fights. However, after showing Will from the other class how to do the cell shading, he taught me about Mental Rays and the sorts. We then pretty much combined the two and got an awesome outcome, especially the.. double.. render(?) thing that after like 10 seconds in photoshop, came out all awesome xD

\We also worked on walk animations in the last hour of the day, where we were shown how to make paths for our skeletons to follow. However, i'm the only one i'm aware of who doesn't have a skeleton, but just joints (using the joint tool funily enough). So, while they talked about that, i attempted a rough manually animated walk, while half listening.
Anyway.. look at the pictuuures :D

Thursday 29 April 2010

Warehouse remake -_-

well here i am after 2 weeks.
and i gotta say.. i'm realllllllly annoyed >.>
but not as much anymore.
My entire game enviroment was lost, as the files went corrupt =_=
All i had was a box and a robot left, which isn't much use. This has set me back quite a bit, and i haven't even modelled the main BOX yet, textures aren't done, and i am NOT ready to animate wheni get into college tomorrow. However yes, my enviroment is remodelled and i didit all today in a super mega special mecha awesome chocolate-dipped shining flaming glowing incredible button mashing frenzy. 4 weeks work, re-done in 4 hours!
Yes im tired and annoyed, but it happens... -_-
Damn Technology!!!!

Anyway, moving on from my rant, i'ma gonna share some snapshots and camera fly throughs with you ;)

And here's some images of what it previously looked like...
it's alot smaller, although it's fiiiiiiine.. hopefully

okay.. so the video uploader is being like a homosexual cuttlefish, but whatever, i'll get them up tomorrow xD.


Wednesday 14 April 2010

Smaug Walker Mk.I

And so here it is the nearly final model to the chicken walker tank thingy. I think it's turned out pretty good, despite the annoyances i've had with it and whatnot. I changed the feet so that most of the foot is towards the front. This is then balanced out by shifting forward the body's center of gravity. And to my own theory, it should be able to move quicker and more nimble. The joints that connect the upper legs to the body are just a couple of cylindars and i haven't put in the pistons and hinge joint, but i'll fix that once i want to animate it fully. The body is quite similar to the BF2142 walker, however the guns stick out the sides, which is alot more like mech warriors. The weapons are just quickly done fo show.. an 8 missle pack and a 30mm gatling gun. I'll change them soon and make this beast more devastating and more fitting for it's name (Smaug is the dragon from 'The Hobbit' by the way). The visor/eyes/cockpit was my first thought when i started modelling the body. I originally intended for a large cockpit screen like on an X-wing, but slanted 45 degrees forward, however i ended up going for a harder target to hit... robotic eyes, where there will be screens on the inside. Here's some photos and a little 2 second animation of it.

Now, i've been experimenting for the last two days with basic cell shading, and i applied it to the walker pretty quickly (was in a rush) and i came up with some pretty cool results. The glare from the light was a little intense, but good enough for a quick render.
Here are some examples of my Cell shading results and a similar 2 second animation of it cell shaded.


Thursday 1 April 2010

Chicken Walker

Here's just something i HAD to model xD
i've been doodling out different legs and joints for a heavy legged chicken walker
don't know what a chicken walker is? it's a mech/mecha with backwards pointing knee joints (use the starwars AT-ST walker as a reference).

The feet need a bit of work, and i'll need to change the leg-foot joint, but this is just a quickie i did in about an hour. anyhoo.. it's been short, but here they are..

And then here are some drawings and reference pictures.....