Friday 30 April 2010

Cell Shade Success!

Here we are again! wowee xD
today at college i was focusing on textures for my enviroment and character. Instaid of spending millenia unwrapping my robot, i use the materiel editor to create the textures... same with the enviroment. Except for the wooden boxes and the iron girders.
I focused nearly all that texturing time on practicing/experimenting with Cell Shading, to give it the cartoon-edged look that i originaly aimed for. As far as i got with it on my own, it looked a bit like Futurama or Fairytale Fights. However, after showing Will from the other class how to do the cell shading, he taught me about Mental Rays and the sorts. We then pretty much combined the two and got an awesome outcome, especially the.. double.. render(?) thing that after like 10 seconds in photoshop, came out all awesome xD

\We also worked on walk animations in the last hour of the day, where we were shown how to make paths for our skeletons to follow. However, i'm the only one i'm aware of who doesn't have a skeleton, but just joints (using the joint tool funily enough). So, while they talked about that, i attempted a rough manually animated walk, while half listening.
Anyway.. look at the pictuuures :D

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