Thursday 29 April 2010

Warehouse remake -_-

well here i am after 2 weeks.
and i gotta say.. i'm realllllllly annoyed >.>
but not as much anymore.
My entire game enviroment was lost, as the files went corrupt =_=
All i had was a box and a robot left, which isn't much use. This has set me back quite a bit, and i haven't even modelled the main BOX yet, textures aren't done, and i am NOT ready to animate wheni get into college tomorrow. However yes, my enviroment is remodelled and i didit all today in a super mega special mecha awesome chocolate-dipped shining flaming glowing incredible button mashing frenzy. 4 weeks work, re-done in 4 hours!
Yes im tired and annoyed, but it happens... -_-
Damn Technology!!!!

Anyway, moving on from my rant, i'ma gonna share some snapshots and camera fly throughs with you ;)

And here's some images of what it previously looked like...
it's alot smaller, although it's fiiiiiiine.. hopefully

okay.. so the video uploader is being like a homosexual cuttlefish, but whatever, i'll get them up tomorrow xD.


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