Wednesday 24 February 2010

Byauta_Bravo Operational!

And here he is at long last! I got some quick renders of the finished model for my robot Byauta Bravo from the game BOX. (brought to you by EPIC_LEGEND inc).
I've given him a next to black grey paint job with some lighter grey highlights, and a shining Gold for the details, such as the joints and wing feathers. Oh yeah, he has wings now. I might change the colours back to the origonal design of a very pale blue with rusted edges and battle scars, however i really like this and he looks more like a military grade machine this way if you ask me xD.
I need opinions people! I asked about the colours and got a very poor response! If you don't wanna comment or CAN'T, then send me an email and i'll be happy to read it!
And without further ado...

T-Shirt Design

Well well well
what's this?
something not college related?
oooooh wowee!
I'm making a few designs for T-shirts to make and i want to know what you think and whay should be done to improve them in whatever way! Here's a couple designs just now and i'll ost more sooon!
Ejnoy :D

Here's the LEGEND shirt
Front and Back
LEGEND in Japanese
Byauta's Wings from my game BOX.

And Heres the SOS BRIGADE shirt
Front and back
The SOS Brigade's Emblem
from The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya


Monday 22 February 2010

Finished Ship: Bx-03 Emissary

Well here it is. The final model of my jet engine propelled stealth torpedo boat thing!! The texturing is of a similar design to my Manta Glider, with the glowing cracks and patterns. On the underside of the ship, there's six super mega DEATH torpedos of doom that just hover over the water surface. The ship is a twin hulled boat that has a large jet engine that runs right through the main body of the ship and out the top/back and under the wing.
There was an obvious problem that i knew would happen before beginning the texturing. The text on the half that i textured was reversed on the opposite side. But oh well, i think this turned out quite decent to be honest.
And thus, this brings an end to our 'boat and plane low poly project'. T'was fun.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Level Design

right i haven't posted in what.. 5 days now? well here are three level layots i've done for the game BOX.


'The Omnious Glow'

The player must find out what's causing the electrical disturbances in the warehouses.

The game starts off with the introductory cutscene explaining the story up till his 2nd year as a janitor at the Beuro Of Experimentation's warehouse district. There is a glitchy disturbance in your UI and your HUD is all over the place. the lights are flickering and the mice are squeaking. There is a yellowish bright glow from under a sealed door at the far end of the main warehouse.

There is no combat in this level. This level is more like the prologue. But there are puzzles that the player must do to find the keycard for the locked door. These puzzles include finding a route over the stacks of crates and getting a hang of the basic movements and combining them into more complex moves to get over and past harder obstacles.

Once you aquire the keycard from the sleeping monkey janitor ontop of the crates, you open the door to come across the Box. It shifts to a cutscene and byauta walks towards the crate. He lifts the crate top and is pulled in. The opening credits role in.

Watch out for the crates... you're not as light as a lump of flesh.

Main quest PART 01

'The Journey'

Find out the mysteries of BOX and defeat the evil behind them.

The quest starts after the opening credits. You wake up (or power up) on a small golden beach. You soon learn what you must do to survive and learn how to harness the power of the fuel that runs through you. There are a few villages that you come across on your travels that each contribute to the main storyline but contain a quest of their own. There is another island that is close to the main one, which is basically a large standing narrow volcano of death. The bridge is blown out and a sign beside it reads... "Head blacksmith, Stone mason and construction chief.. MISSING".

You must venture through the world of box to find the three missing furries. Each one with a full on quest and rewards. You must find all of them to get the bridge fixed. You will face the Furrless Banditos, Furry Trolls, etc. You must find your way up and over buildings in the main city. Combination locks protect "ancient" seals. Once you find the target, you may even need to chase them around and immobilise them.

After the three missing members of the bridge construction team are regathered, they start work on the bridge at a super warp speed. The bridge will take 2 days in game time, which is about 4 hours real time, unless you sleep. Once complete, you gain access to part two of the Main storyline. After each successful kidnapped member is saved, he will reward you with an "ancient" artifact that fits onto you nicely. Such as a sword, shield, armour, etc...

Don't try and swim. You're a machine!

End Game

'Time for Celebration'

Dr. Fuzzywinks is gone, head to Central city to celebrate.

After defeating Dr. Fuzzywinks and destroying his labratory, you lie half way up the volcano looking over the island. Fireworks fly up from Central city and you can hear cheers. Upon arriving at the city, there is a rumbling and the top of the volcano opens up. The experimental laser cannon that was being developed is now aimed at the center point of the city.

This is where the timer starts and you have only 3 minutes to get through the entire city to get to the center. Once there you must stand upon the podeum and take the laser shot tho the chest. Once hit, there's a frenzy of button mashing and button combos in order to throw the beam back to where it came from.

-Cutscene- The laser explodes along with half the volcano. The Doctor shouldn't have survived that. The furries dance around in joy and hug against the droid. But byauta is blank and lifeless and still as a rock. The scene fades out to black and the credits roll in. After completion, if you watch the epilogue after the credits, you unlock a new character skin for the next time you play through. Also, a cheats menu is open, where it doesnt make the game any easier, but makes it more fun and silly.

You're a Model... Hold that pose

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Completed Aircraft.. The Manta Glider

This is my Manta VTOL Stealth Glider. yes i know gliders don't do VTOL cause their engines (if they have one) are only enough to give a small help in climb. but whatever, just remember the stargate gliders lol. The initial design had a laaarge rounded fan in the middle of a U-shaped chassis. The fan could swivel 360 Degrees around in order for complete manouverability. However, the fan now is alot smaller, and two smaller fans were to be put on the forward wings, but since this was a low poly project and the plane doesn't have to actually work, it had to do. However, i like to make things that might technically work in the real world... oh well... at least i got to make it look SWEET.
Anyhoo, check it out with it's epic stripes :P.
And here's my super realistic one!! haha

Crap Unwrapped

Weeeell after 2 weeks of starting the house and garage scene i'm here at the stage that i dreaded the most.. the unwrapping -_-
after about 6.30-7 hours, i got my house unwrapped.
the garage and the car are yet to be done however, but they SHOULDN'T take too long... however thats exactly what i said about the house, and that took me a whole day.
And to be honest i was pretty crap at the whole UVW Mapping until Monday, but i think i've got the hang of it now. The biggest problem that i probably faced was all the wee hidden edges that dadnt seem to make fucking sence! well anyway, here's the super exciting unwrap pics that aren't actually super exciting..
but looks awesome when textured to the house.. MATRIX STYLE :D


Thursday 4 February 2010

Logo, Emblem, Insignia, etc...

here's just a small post on the insignia or whatever for my game 'BOX'. it came across me quite awesomly! i originally thought of simply making it BOX with the 0 as the recycling sign thingy. Then i wanted to make it more boxy(?) and had the arrows be each 2 sides of a hexagon shape. And when i put the arrows in shape.. i noticed.. HEY, it looks like a 3d box! i forgot that hexagons looked like 3d boxes if you look at them right.
And well, here's the rough version.

If you have any opinions on it, i'm all eyes (heh heh)!!


..//BTAUTA_BRAVO/ ready for duty... almost xD

Today, i've been continuing the modelling of my latest creation! Byauta-B, the now janitor ex combat droid. i posted about the games project last week, and by that point i'd only modelled his legs. But here he is in his almost full pride and glory! I modelled his arms, torso, and the body-leg joints (they took forever to think of a sufficient joint lol). All that really needs to be done to him is.. elbow bads like the knees, a shoulder pad on his left arm, the body-arm joints, backpack, and the head. Huh.. now that i just typed it out, it seems alot more listy.. :P
The next steps after these bits n bobs will be the detailing, like what i've done tof the plating on the arms, and then i'll try on some basic textures to see how he looks. The colour selection is either white or very light blue, with rusted edges and joints. Anymore colour ideas? please tell! i'm all ears! or.. eyes.. or whatever..
without further ado.. ba baba baaaah!
Here's his sihlouette (or whatever)... quite recognisable lol
(h5) :D

Tuesday 2 February 2010

A finished model? Very almost :D

Well well well...
Here we are again, woah.
maybe i should change the 1 post a week to 1 posta day hahaaa.
now anyhoo... i've been in the library since 10.30am this morning, and theres another 71mins till closing time xD
Heres what i've been up to today. I got my garage done easily, my car has tempo test wheels, the rest of the scene (garden and road) are not complete yet, but will soon be textured. I've textured them with very basic textures atm just to get a feel for what it will look like. next after that is foliage, a lamp post, and the sky/background.

Well here they are, i won't keep you waiting...


Monday 1 February 2010

House finished?

well here it is my finished model. what can i say, it's been a hoot! And only so much more modeling to do yaaay! well i got my house finished... maybe not to the best.. as theres some tubes and pipes etc missing but whatever. it looks like my house and it's cool so.. it's cool xD
So all i've got to do now... isssss... model the garage, the gardens, the foliage, the bottom of the car (plus wheels), a bit of road, and then texture the whole bloody thing...
I'll be in teh college library from 9am till 8pm tomorrow... and the modelling WILL be done tomorrow. This will give me the final day (thursday) to texture the bastard!
right well, this was a short input but whatever.
feedback anyone?
