Tuesday 2 February 2010

A finished model? Very almost :D

Well well well...
Here we are again, woah.
maybe i should change the 1 post a week to 1 posta day hahaaa.
now anyhoo... i've been in the library since 10.30am this morning, and theres another 71mins till closing time xD
Heres what i've been up to today. I got my garage done easily, my car has tempo test wheels, the rest of the scene (garden and road) are not complete yet, but will soon be textured. I've textured them with very basic textures atm just to get a feel for what it will look like. next after that is foliage, a lamp post, and the sky/background.

Well here they are, i won't keep you waiting...


1 comment:

  1. This is looking good! I really need to get some texturing done...
