Sunday 14 February 2010

Level Design

right i haven't posted in what.. 5 days now? well here are three level layots i've done for the game BOX.


'The Omnious Glow'

The player must find out what's causing the electrical disturbances in the warehouses.

The game starts off with the introductory cutscene explaining the story up till his 2nd year as a janitor at the Beuro Of Experimentation's warehouse district. There is a glitchy disturbance in your UI and your HUD is all over the place. the lights are flickering and the mice are squeaking. There is a yellowish bright glow from under a sealed door at the far end of the main warehouse.

There is no combat in this level. This level is more like the prologue. But there are puzzles that the player must do to find the keycard for the locked door. These puzzles include finding a route over the stacks of crates and getting a hang of the basic movements and combining them into more complex moves to get over and past harder obstacles.

Once you aquire the keycard from the sleeping monkey janitor ontop of the crates, you open the door to come across the Box. It shifts to a cutscene and byauta walks towards the crate. He lifts the crate top and is pulled in. The opening credits role in.

Watch out for the crates... you're not as light as a lump of flesh.

Main quest PART 01

'The Journey'

Find out the mysteries of BOX and defeat the evil behind them.

The quest starts after the opening credits. You wake up (or power up) on a small golden beach. You soon learn what you must do to survive and learn how to harness the power of the fuel that runs through you. There are a few villages that you come across on your travels that each contribute to the main storyline but contain a quest of their own. There is another island that is close to the main one, which is basically a large standing narrow volcano of death. The bridge is blown out and a sign beside it reads... "Head blacksmith, Stone mason and construction chief.. MISSING".

You must venture through the world of box to find the three missing furries. Each one with a full on quest and rewards. You must find all of them to get the bridge fixed. You will face the Furrless Banditos, Furry Trolls, etc. You must find your way up and over buildings in the main city. Combination locks protect "ancient" seals. Once you find the target, you may even need to chase them around and immobilise them.

After the three missing members of the bridge construction team are regathered, they start work on the bridge at a super warp speed. The bridge will take 2 days in game time, which is about 4 hours real time, unless you sleep. Once complete, you gain access to part two of the Main storyline. After each successful kidnapped member is saved, he will reward you with an "ancient" artifact that fits onto you nicely. Such as a sword, shield, armour, etc...

Don't try and swim. You're a machine!

End Game

'Time for Celebration'

Dr. Fuzzywinks is gone, head to Central city to celebrate.

After defeating Dr. Fuzzywinks and destroying his labratory, you lie half way up the volcano looking over the island. Fireworks fly up from Central city and you can hear cheers. Upon arriving at the city, there is a rumbling and the top of the volcano opens up. The experimental laser cannon that was being developed is now aimed at the center point of the city.

This is where the timer starts and you have only 3 minutes to get through the entire city to get to the center. Once there you must stand upon the podeum and take the laser shot tho the chest. Once hit, there's a frenzy of button mashing and button combos in order to throw the beam back to where it came from.

-Cutscene- The laser explodes along with half the volcano. The Doctor shouldn't have survived that. The furries dance around in joy and hug against the droid. But byauta is blank and lifeless and still as a rock. The scene fades out to black and the credits roll in. After completion, if you watch the epilogue after the credits, you unlock a new character skin for the next time you play through. Also, a cheats menu is open, where it doesnt make the game any easier, but makes it more fun and silly.

You're a Model... Hold that pose

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