Tuesday 9 February 2010

Completed Aircraft.. The Manta Glider

This is my Manta VTOL Stealth Glider. yes i know gliders don't do VTOL cause their engines (if they have one) are only enough to give a small help in climb. but whatever, just remember the stargate gliders lol. The initial design had a laaarge rounded fan in the middle of a U-shaped chassis. The fan could swivel 360 Degrees around in order for complete manouverability. However, the fan now is alot smaller, and two smaller fans were to be put on the forward wings, but since this was a low poly project and the plane doesn't have to actually work, it had to do. However, i like to make things that might technically work in the real world... oh well... at least i got to make it look SWEET.
Anyhoo, check it out with it's epic stripes :P.
And here's my super realistic one!! haha

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